New log ends and crowns


On this project North of Ely, Minnesota, we worked with the Charles L. Sommers Alumni Association and the national Boy Scouts organization to repair one of the original structures at this Boy Scout adventure base on Moose Lake, MN.

This log structure, built in the early 20th century, was constructed in the style of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), like many of the buildings were in the Minnesota and Wisconsin State Parks during that era.


The Boy Scout building had a number of rotten logs that were replaced. The crowns (log ends) were mostly rotted at the bottom of the stacks. The ones that extended beyond the roofline were more exposed to the weather and therefore, more likely to rot. All the logs in these CCC log buildings were very precisely fit when they were originally constructed. It was very important to get the replacement logs to also be tight fitting in order to maintain the historical integrity of the building.

To fully restore this historic building it was necessary to blast it with corncob and fine sand to remove the deteriorated and failing stain on the logs. We worked closely with a group of alumni volunteers to complete the project. With our help and advise, these volunteers stained the building themselves.

Edmunds & Company is ready and willing to work on projects that include volunteers doing some of the work. We understand the need to do this to keep within a project’s budget.

We have done work on a number of historic building including buildings on the National Historic registry. This list of building includes:

If you or your group has an historic building you would like to save – contact Edmunds & Company.  We can HELP!  715-373-5744